Snort is an open-source software for detecting and preventing intrusions in a network. It can perform live traffic analysis and log incoming packets to detect port scans, worms, and other suspicious behavior.
Snort是用于检测和阻止网络入侵的开源软件。 它可以执行实时流量分析并记录传入的数据包,以检测端口扫描,蠕虫和其他可疑行为。
Snort is used for defense compared to most of the other tools in this list. However, snort helps you understand the attacker’s methods by logging their activity. You can also build DNS sinkholes to redirect attacker traffic while finding attack vectors through Snort.
与该列表中的大多数其他工具相比,Snort用于防御。 但是,snort通过记录攻击者的活动来帮助您了解攻击者的方法。 您还可以建立DNS漏洞以重定向攻击者流量,同时通过Snort查找攻击媒介。
Snort also has a web-based GUI called BASE (Basic Analysis and Security Engine). BASE provides a web front-end to query and analyze the alerts coming from Snort.
Snort还具有一个基于Web的GUI,称为BASE(基本分析和安全引擎)。 BASE提供了一个Web前端来查询和分析来自Snort的警报。